Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Make Car Detailing Equipment Work Better

Most cleaning professionals use a variety of car detailing equipment. They use all the available machines for meeting both quality and quantity criteria. Customers not only want their vehicles cleaned, but want the job performed quickly too. The pressure on a cleaning professional is to deliver a perfectly cleaned vehicle in as little time as possible. Experienced cleaning professionals know that top grade cleaning machines supplied by Daimer® allow professionals to do just this and provide satisfied customers with clean vehicles.

Using the Right Machine
It is a rule of thumb that one must use different car detailing equipment on various types of surfaces, as different materials require specific cleaning methods. For cleaning mats and carpets, a carpet cleaner is the best bet. The same goes for cleaning seat upholstery. It is advisable to use separate wands for cleaning different surfaces. Daimer® offers separate upholstery wands and carpet wands along with the machine.

Similarly, hard surfaces require more powerful car detailing equipment. Pressure washers are best suited for cleaning the body and engine parts. Consider Daimer®’s Super Max™ 6120SCW, a machine that combines a harmless pressure level reaching 1000 psi, a steam temperature of 250°F, and a flow rate of 0.5 GPM.

Low Flow Machines
Car detailing equipment like pressure washers are recommended to use lower flow rates during cleaning. This helps reduce the amount of water needed for cleaning and the cost of disposing the water when finished.